In order to access the Festival's screenings, accredited participants must reserve their place in the auditorium through Boxol's online booking system, by accessing the portal using their personal credentials and associating their accreditation registration code.
If you have previously used the BOXOL.IT portal, and you have a registration, it is sufficient to log in with the email and password you have already used; otherwise you must proceed with a new registration by entering your personal email (note that this will be the one on which you will receive the bookings for access to the halls), and a password created specifically by the user, which must be at least 8 letters long, with at least one capital letter, and contain a number and a symbol (!, &, %,?).
The accreditation must be associated with a different e-mail address for each accredited person, so it is recommended not to use company e-mails.
Once you have registered on the portal, on the next screen, you must enter the accreditation registration code, which was sent to you by e-mail from the Festival Accreditation Office. The registration code, and consequently access to the portal, can only be activated after payment of the accreditation.
Once the registration procedure has been completed, it is then possible to access the Festival programme dedicated to accredited participants, and to proceed with the reservation of a seat in the hall as indicated.
For subsequent accesses, the portal automatically recognises the accredited person, and it is then possible to directly access the list of screenings.